Residence Real Estate Design


wpresidence features

wpresidence features

Real Estate Shortcodes:

  • Membership packages
  • Properties categories slider
  • Recent Properties and Recent properties slider with the following settings: from specific categories, types, cities or areas, in random order (yes/no), by first published date or by featured first, show only featured properties or all properties, grid or list style
  • Recent Items shortcode for Properties allows “loading more” properties in the same page with filtering options
  • Properties by Agent, Agency, or Developer
  • List specific real estate properties by their ID
  • Featured Agent
  • Featured developer/agency
  • Featured Property (3 design options)
  • Featured Blog Post (2 design options)
  • List Cities or Areas
  • Advanced Search
  • Login and Register forms
  • List agents by published date and from specific taxonomies: agent city, agent area, agent category or agent type
  • Recent blog posts or recent blog posts slider (with posts from specific categories)
  • Single real estate property map + pin and infobox.
  • Testimonials (with slider option) – 4 design variants
  • Contact us shortcode

Additional information

Compatible With

WordPress (CMS Tech.)

Website Design

1 Year Website Design, 2 Year Website Design