Google Map Tool

Allow your users to explore the world with rich maps provided by Google. Identify locations with custom markers, augment the map data with image overlays and embed one or more maps as fragments and much more.

Map Tools: List of Google Maps Tools:-

The following list of tools were built by Map Developers taking advance of Google Map:-

Area Calculator Tool – Click multiple points on a Google map drawing the outline of the shape you want the area of. Area is given in square feet, square meters, acres, square kilometers and square miles.

Distance Calculator Tool – Click multiple points on a Google map drawing a path that you want the distance of. Distance is given in feet, meters, kilometers and miles.

Draw a circle – Enter a radius then click a point or enter an address to draw a circle on a Google map.

Elevation Calculator Tool – Works similar to the distance calculator tool, but instead of the distance along the path it shows a graph of elevation points along that path.

Geocode Tool – This tool allows you to enter an address to find the GPS coordinates i.e. latitude and longitude of the address. It also plots the address on a map where it can be moved to adjust the latitude and longitude.


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Advanced Google Search – Search for businesses near you by business type, name or keyword.

Batch Geocode Tool – Enter up to 100 addresses to find the latitude and longitude of multiple addresses quickly.

Reverse Geocode Tool – Click a point on a Google map and this tool will return the closest address to that point.

Distance From To Tool – Enter two addresses, cities, states, or zip codes to calculate the distance between them.

Driving Directions – Show the fastest route between up to 10 locations.

Draw Rectangle – Enter length and width of a rectangle to draw it on a map.

Traffic Map – Overlay the current traffic congestion on a map.

Directions From To Tool – Enter two addresses, cities, states, or zip codes to find the best route between them.

Bounding Box Tool – Enter a country, state, city, or zip code to display the smallest box it will fit in.

Mileage Calculator – Calculate the flight mileage and driving millage between to points at the same time.